10 Ways to Exercise Exceptional Email Etiquette

Byte Back News

10 Ways to Exercise Exceptional Email Etiquette

Author: Byte Back
Published: March 30, 2015

By Paul Negron, Employment Specialist Email

Email has taken over our universe and who isn’t inundated these days with countless emails about this or that. Email is now used by many as the primary form of communication in business. How can you ensure that your email is going to be read and understood? How can you avoid hurting your reputation by crafting a professional email that’s precise and concise? It’s essential to learn emailing best practices.

  1. Always Use a Specific Subject

People often decide whether to open an email based just on the subject line! Make it specific and to the point, like these:
“Meeting date changed”
“Quick question about your presentation”
“Suggestions for the efficiency“
“Resume for Review”

  1. Think Twice Before “Reply All”

Before clicking “Reply all,” think. Does everyone need to hear your response? We’re all overloaded with emails, so don’t contribute to the clutter. For example, if your boss is asking for availability, just respond to him/her with your answer.

  1. Address Recipient with “Hello” or “Hi”

Keep things professional. Starting out with “Hi” or “Hello” will get things started. We recommend adding the person’s name to personalize your message.

  1. Be Careful with Humor

Be mindful of whom you’re writing to and that not everyone may get the joke. As a rule, it’s best to keep things professional and leave the comedy out.

  1. Proofread Every Message

Spelling or grammatical errors are killers! Don’t rush so much that you forget to proofread.

  1. Add the Email Address Last

Here’s a tip to help with #5. When you hit reply, REMOVE the recipient’s email address before you start tying. This will prevent you from sending an email before it’s finished.

  1. Respond within 24 Hours

Let the sender know that you’ve received an email and are working on the request. Even if your response lets the person know that you need more time, that’s OK. Set a deadline in your response and follow through. Then, the person will not be wondering if you’ve received the email in the first place.

  1. Know Your Audience

You will likely respond differently to a boss or colleague than to a client. Keep the recipient in mind and tailor your message.

  1. Never Use CAPS


  1. Avoid Emailing from Your Phone

Sending emails from your smartphone can spell disaster. If it’s not urgent, wait until you get to your computer to avoid mistypes and autocorrects.


Useful Links:

Business Texting Etiquette: 10 Tips for Professionals

Net Manners

Navigating Email Etiquette at Work

25 Tips for Perfecting Your Email Etiquette