Staying Motivated During the Job Search - Byte Back

Byte Back News

Staying Motivated During the Job Search

Author: Byte Back
Published: November 20, 2016

By Bock Szymkowicz, Career Development Specialist

We’re here to help you set and reach your career goals with our Goal Setting Blog Series.

Start with Step 1: Your Interests & Strengths >>

Now, the most important step: maintaining it. Like any big goal, from a new gym goal to education, there will be times when you hit a wall, when you aren’t as excited about the goal as you were at the beginning. Below are some helpful tips to remain motivated and get through these times when applying for jobs.

Take Time to Relax and Congratulate Yourself

While setting aside a schedule to apply for jobs is important, it’s just as important to schedule “breaks” and “celebrations” for yourself.

Getting an interview is a big accomplishment, and you should celebrate it, even if it isn’t a job offer. While carving time out can be difficult, think of small (or big) ways you can reward yourself for your efforts, be it a nice chocolate bar, taking a walk around a park, or watching an episode of your favorite series on Netflix.

Reach Out to Your Support Network

One of the best things you can do is vent to someone who will listen to your frustrations. This can be a friend, family member, or even someone at an organization you go to, such as a church. If you’re a Byte Back student, don’t be afraid to make connections with your classmates as a support network, they are likely in the same boat – looking for a job with their new computer skills.

Note: Byte Back students and alumni, don’t be afraid to reach out to me either if in need of career support! (gro.kcabetyb@kcob)

Keep on Applying

During the job search process, you may think of a “dream job” that will magically work out. I know I have. Even so, you should still apply for other jobs.

If only one job is on your table, this can increase your anxiety at the interview, because more appears at stake. If you have several other applications in the run, you can be more at ease. And the worst that can happen is that you get two offers, which isn’t a bad situation to be in.

Remember: Rejection Is Typical for Everyone

While it’s not the best thought in the world, it’s helpful to remember: there is no one who has never been denied a job. The most successful CEO, your teacher, and myself have all had to go through a long process to get employed, facing rejections along the way. We’ve all felt similar pressure and struggles: worrying about getting a job, not sure if we can pay rent, wondering if this is the right field. But getting denied is certainly not the end of your story. Once employed, you’ll be able to look upon your search process more lightly.

Remember: There Will Always Be Jobs Out There

If you don’t get a job by the New Year, don’t worry, there will still be jobs in 2017. You’ll still have many chances to show your awesome self to many different companies.

Volunteering and Continued Learning

While it may sound counterintuitive, volunteering and studying (or continuing your current volunteering/education) are very helpful during the job process.

Many clients I’ve worked with decided to quit volunteering or leave their education in an effort to prove to employers they can fully commit. But you can still do that by explaining in the cover letter you will fully commit once employed.

What you don’t want is be two months into the job search with a two-month gap on your resume, which could have been filled by volunteering or education. If you get employed and are conflicted about leavening your volunteering or education, check out the PACED blog on how to make a decision.

Now go out there and take your next step to your dream career! 

See the rest of the series on Your Career Goals >>